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Modern perfection The Triangle Theory

When it comes to the layout of a kitchen, we are often asked about the triangle theory and how it applies to kitchen design. ‘The Triangle Theory’ was developed in the 1940s to address the efficiency between the major work centres: cooking (cooktop/oven), preparation (sink) and food storage (refrigerator). The idea being when these three elements are in close proximity, the kitchen will be easy and efficient to use. These three points and the imaginary lines between them form what experts call the ‘Work Triangle’.

**Image Source: Peter Oreilly (drawn myself) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Is the Triangle Theory still relevant?

In the 1940s, our way of living was very different. Generally speaking, men were the breadwinners and women full time homemakers with dinner often meat and three veg. Takeaway….well takeaway was virtually non-existent. Many kitchen gadgets and appliances we use today had not been invented: microwaves, dishwashers, food processors to name a few. The changes in the way we use our kitchens today gives rise to an argument that the work triangle is no longer a main guiding principle in kitchen design. For example, if two or more people are using the kitchen at once, a rectangle or pentagon design may be better to incorporate more commonly used appliances.

Our kitchens have evolved and with today’s technology now available and the way we use our kitchens, the need for the work triangle has changed. It’s still a good concept but it’s not something our designers strictly adhere to. Instead, our designers will create a space that is practical and efficient, working in harmony with the user’s lifestyle.

We offer free, no-obligation quotes by an Interior Designer. Feel free to visit our showroom and chat to one of our friendly designers – 4 Wiluna Street, Fyshwick.

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