Modern perfection New Release Zero Silica Benchtops: A New Era In Stone Technology
The stone industry is evolving following the Government’s ban on engineered stone surfaces. The Kitchen Company is committed to finding alternative solutions to engineered stone to minimise the health impact to those that work with zero silica products. We are excited to offer zero silica products from Caesarstone, Quantum Quartz, AC Stone, and Talostone. Made with a blend of recycled materials, zero silica benchtops are sustainable, durable, easy to maintain, and offer a variety of design options. The perfect alternative for your new kitchen and laundry.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from our clients:
What is zero silica?
Zero silica solid surfaces contain less than 1% crystalline silica in accordance with the Government’s exemption for engineered stone products.
I have a high silica engineered stone product in my kitchen. Am I at risk? Can it be repaired?
Engineered stone surfaces do not pose any danger to consumers once installed. The potential health hazard lies in unsafe practices during the fabrication process. Our stonemasons can repair, remove, and dispose of engineered stone products safely in accordance with Government regulations.
What are zero silica surfaces made of?
The prominent ingredients are recycled glass (up to 90%) and high-grade resin. The zero silica surfaces will look, feel, and perform the same as engineered stone.
Will the engineered stone ban affect my order?
The transition has already begun, and our kitchens are now being installed with zero silica solid surfaces.
Visit our showroom to explore the different options on display and chat to one of our friendly showroom consultants.